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M&L Club

What happens at Club M&L?

What happens at Club M&L?

In order to benefit from the loyalty card, nothing could be easier !

1- Go to your Customer Area
2- Click on " My Information"
3- Tick the box "I want to be part of the M&L club" and Save.

A new section will be accessible: "My M&L club advantages", it will allow you to follow the accumulation of your loyalty points following your purchases on our Eshop.

How loyalty works :

-20% ON A NEXT ORDER from 10 POINTS*

For you, we organise exclusive events and offers. You will be informed by e-mail via our newsletter.

You can quit the M&L Club at any time and ask for your personal data to be deleted by sending a request to shop@maconetlesquoy.com

For technical reasons, the online M&L Club card is not the same as the one in the M&L shop in Paris. They operate in the same way but their points cannot be cumulated.

*on a next order. Offers can't be combined.